Roofing has proven to be a volatile industry with periods of high and low demand coming at seemingly random points throughout the year. One way that Skycraft Roofing Inc. has been able to keep our men busy through the low demand periods is by undertaking the job of removing old roofs ourselves. This is a project which we will usually sub-contract to a specialist but are perfectly capable of and experienced at doing ourselves. When embarking on a tear-off project there are three main categories we show exaggerated sensitivity to; the safety of our men, the safety and comfort of tenants, and the care of the building.
Tearing off a roof is extremely physically demanding and strenuous. The thought of exerting, at times, maximum physical effort while on top of a roof, which inherently poses the danger of heights, amongst others, can be intimidating. In order to combat this we strive for a culture of safety where our men look out for each other and warn of dangerous situations seen from their vantage point. In addition, we use equipment which acts to prevent the possibility of falling at roof edges and skylights. Water is made available for employees and certain PPE is required such as boots and gloves.
Each tenant must be dealt with in their own unique way to circumvent the issues at hand. If edible or any other sensitive items are manufactured under the subject roof, extra precautions must be taken to assure dust and debris do not disrupt those activities. Other business such as conference calls or important meetings sometimes need to be scheduled around due to the noise associated with a tear off. Lastly, all parties involved must be aware of the job occurring over their heads so they can do their part to help us keep them safe during a tear-off.
It is also very important to take the necessary precautions in order to protect the building from damage. This starts with tear-off technique and ends with protection of walls where the trash is dumped off the roof. Safeguards are crucial in order to avoid unnecessary costs such as painting for scratched walls, repairs for roof top equipment, and unnecessary woodwork expenses on the roof deck its self.